if (typeof(BotDetect) == "undefined") { // start single inclusion guard BotDetect = function(captchaId, instanceId, inputId, autoUppercaseInput, autoFocusInput, autoClearInput, autoReloadExpiredImage, autoReloadPeriod, autoReloadTimeout, soundStartDelay, limitSoundRegeneration) { this.Id = captchaId; this.InstanceId = instanceId; // Captcha image properties var imageId = captchaId + "_CaptchaImage"; this.Image = document.getElementById(imageId); this.ImagePlaceholder = this.Image.parentNode; this.ControlsDisabled = false; // check for Captcha Reload icon presence var reloadLinkId = captchaId + "_ReloadLink"; var reloadLink = document.getElementById(reloadLinkId); if (reloadLink) { // show Captcha Reload icon reloadLink.style.cssText = 'display: inline-block !important'; // init reloading elements this.NewImage = null; this.ProgressIndicator = null; this.ReloadTimer = null; this.ReloadTimerTicks = 0; // Captcha image auto-reloading this.AutoReloadPeriod = Math.max((autoReloadPeriod - 10), 10) * 1000; this.AutoReloadTimeout = autoReloadTimeout * 1000; this.AutoReloadExpiredImage = autoReloadExpiredImage; this.AutoReloadPeriodSum = 0; this.AutoReloading = false; if (autoReloadExpiredImage) { if (this.AutoReloadTimer) { clearTimeout(this.AutoReloadTimer); } var self = this; this.AutoReloadTimer = setTimeout( function() { clearTimeout(self.AutoReloadTimer); if (self.AutoReloadPeriodSum >= self.AutoReloadTimeout) { self.DisableControls(); self.SessionExpired = true; return; } self.AutoReloading = true; self.ReloadImage(); self.AutoReloading = false; self.AutoReloadPeriodSum += self.AutoReloadPeriod; self = null; }, self.AutoReloadPeriod ); } } // pre-load disabled reload icon var reloadIcon = document.getElementById(this.Id + "_ReloadIcon"); if (reloadIcon) { this.ReloadIconSrc = document.getElementById(this.Id + "_ReloadIcon").src; this.DisabledReloadIconSrc = null; var preloadedReloadIcon = document.createElement('img'); var self2 = this; preloadedReloadIcon.onload = function() { self2.DisabledReloadIconSrc = this.src; self2 = null; }; preloadedReloadIcon.src = this.ReloadIconSrc.replace('icon', 'disabled-icon'); } // Captcha sound properties this.SoundStartDelay = soundStartDelay; this.LimitSoundRegeneration = limitSoundRegeneration; this.SoundPlayed = false; this.SoundPlayDelayed = false; var soundLinkId = captchaId + "_SoundLink"; var soundLink = document.getElementById(soundLinkId); if (soundLink) { this.SoundUrl = soundLink.href; } var soundPlaceholderId = captchaId + "_AudioPlaceholder"; this.SoundPlaceholder = document.getElementById(soundPlaceholderId); // pre-load disabled sound icon var soundIcon = document.getElementById(this.Id + "_SoundIcon"); if (soundIcon) { this.SoundIconSrc = document.getElementById(this.Id + "_SoundIcon").src; this.DisabledSoundIconSrc = null; var preloadedSoundIcon = document.createElement('img'); var self3 = this; preloadedSoundIcon.onload = function() { self3.DisabledSoundIconSrc = this.src; self3 = null; }; preloadedSoundIcon.src = this.SoundIconSrc.replace('icon', 'disabled-icon'); } // Captcha input textbox properties this.ValidationUrl = this.Image.src.replace('get=image', 'get=validation-result'); // Captcha help link properties this.FollowHelpLink = true; // Captcha code user input element registration, helpers & processing if (!inputId) return; this.InputId = inputId; var input = document.getElementById(inputId); if (!input) return; input.Captcha = this; // allow access to the BotDetect object via the input element // automatic input processing this.AutoFocusInput = autoFocusInput; this.AutoClearInput = autoClearInput; if (autoUppercaseInput) { input.style.textTransform = 'uppercase'; } }; BotDetect.Init = function(captchaId, instanceId, inputId, autoUppercaseInput, autoFocusInput, autoClearInput, autoReloadExpiredImage, autoReloadPeriod, autoReloadTimeout, soundStartDelay, limitSoundRegeneration) { var inputIdString = null; if (inputId) { inputIdString = "'" + inputId + "'"; } var actualInitialization = new Function("if (document.getElementById('" + captchaId + "_CaptchaImage')) { window['" + captchaId + "'] = new BotDetect('" + captchaId + "', '" + instanceId + "', " + inputIdString + ", " + autoUppercaseInput + ", " + autoFocusInput + ", " + autoClearInput + ", " + autoReloadExpiredImage + ", " + autoReloadPeriod + ", " + autoReloadTimeout + ", " + soundStartDelay + ", " + limitSoundRegeneration + "); window['" + captchaId + "'].PostInit(); }"); if ( (typeof(Sys) != "undefined") && (typeof(Sys.Application) != "undefined") ) { // ASP.NET Ajax initialization Sys.Application.add_load(actualInitialization); } else if (typeof(window.jQuery) != "undefined") { // jQuery initalization jQuery(actualInitialization); } else { // regular initialization BotDetect.RegisterHandler(window, 'domready', actualInitialization, false); } // back button image reload to avoid cache issues if (window.opera) { BotDetect.RegisterHandler(window, 'popstate', function (e) { window[captchaId].ReloadImage(); }, false); } else if (window.chrome) { BotDetect.RegisterHandler(window, 'domready', function (e) { var el = document.getElementById("BDC_BackWorkaround_" + captchaId); if (el.value == "0") { el.value = "1"; } else { el.value = "0"; window[captchaId].ReloadImage(); } }, false); } else { // firefox & safari BotDetect.RegisterHandler(window, 'pageshow', function (e) { var el = document.getElementById("BDC_BackWorkaround_" + captchaId); if (el.value == "0") { el.value = "1"; } else { window[captchaId].ReloadImage(); } }, false); } }; // constants BotDetect.ReloadTimerMaxTicks = 100; BotDetect.ReloadTimerDelay = 250; BotDetect.MillisecondsInAMinute = 60000; BotDetect.AjaxTimeout = 10000; BotDetect.MinSoundCooldown = 2000; // CAPTCHA image reloading BotDetect.prototype.ReloadImage = function() { if (this.Image && !this.ReloadInProgress && !this.SessionExpired && (!this.ControlsDisabled || this.SoundPlayDelayed)) { this.ReloadInProgress = true; this.DisableControls(); this.ProgressIndicator = document.createElement('span'); this.ProgressIndicator.className = 'BDC_ProgressIndicator'; this.ProgressIndicator.appendChild(document.createTextNode('.')); this.PreReloadImage(); var imageUrl = BotDetect.UpdateTimestamp(this.Image.src); this.InitNewImage(imageUrl); this.ImagePlaceholder.innerHTML = ''; this.ImagePlaceholder.appendChild(this.ProgressIndicator); this.ShowProgress(); } }; BotDetect.prototype.InitNewImage = function(imageUrl) { this.NewImage = document.createElement('img'); var self = this; this.NewImage.onload = function() { if (self.NewImage && self.ImagePlaceholder && self.ProgressIndicator) { self.ImagePlaceholder.innerHTML = ''; self.ImagePlaceholder.appendChild(self.NewImage); self.Image = self.NewImage; self.ProgressIndicator = null; self.PostReloadImage(); self = null; } }; this.NewImage.id = this.Image.id; this.NewImage.alt = this.Image.alt; this.NewImage.src = imageUrl; }; BotDetect.prototype.ShowProgress = function() { if (this.ProgressIndicator && (this.ReloadTimerTicks < BotDetect.ReloadTimerMaxTicks)) { this.ReloadTimerTicks = this.ReloadTimerTicks + 1; this.UpdateProgressIndicator(); var self = this; this.ReloadTimer = setTimeout(function() { self.ShowProgress(); self = null; }, BotDetect.ReloadTimerDelay); } else { clearTimeout(this.ReloadTimer); this.ReloadTimerTicks = 0; this.ReloadInProgress = false; } }; BotDetect.prototype.UpdateProgressIndicator = function() { if (0 == this.ProgressIndicator.childNodes.length) { this.ProgressIndicator.appendChild(document.createTextNode('.')); return; } if (0 === this.ReloadTimerTicks % 5) { this.ProgressIndicator.firstChild.nodeValue = '.'; } else { this.ProgressIndicator.firstChild.nodeValue = this.ProgressIndicator.firstChild.nodeValue + '.'; } }; // CAPTCHA sound playing BotDetect.prototype.PlaySound = function() { if (!document.getElementById || this.SoundPlayingInProgess || (this.ControlsDisabled && !this.SoundPlayDelayed)) { return; } this.DisableControls(); if (this.LimitSoundRegeneration && !BotDetect.SoundReplaySupported()) { // reload the captcha image and play the new sound if (this.SoundPlayed) { this.SoundPlayDelayed = true; this.ReloadImage(); return; } } this.SoundPlayingInProgess = true; if (BotDetect.UseHtml5Audio()) { // html5 audio var self = this; var sound = document.getElementById('BDC_CaptchaSoundAudio_' + this.Id); if (sound) { // replay existing audio, with the correct delay sound.currentTime = 0; this.SoundStartDelayTimer = setTimeout( function() { if (self) { clearTimeout(self.SoundStartDelayTimer); self.PrePlaySound(); var sound = document.getElementById('BDC_CaptchaSoundAudio_' + self.Id); sound.play(); } }, this.SoundStartDelay ); } else { // play new audio this.SoundPlaceholder.innerHTML = ''; var soundUrl = this.SoundUrl; soundUrl = BotDetect.UpdateTimestamp(soundUrl); soundUrl = BotDetect.DetectSsl(soundUrl); sound = new Audio(soundUrl); sound.id = 'BDC_CaptchaSoundAudio_' + this.Id; sound.type = 'audio/wav'; sound.autobuffer = false; sound.loop = false; sound.autoplay = false; sound.preload = 'auto'; this.SoundPlaceholder.appendChild(sound); sound.load(); BotDetect.RegisterHandler( // start counting the starting delay only when the sound is loaded sound, 'canplay', function() { if (self) { self.SoundStartDelayTimer = setTimeout( function() { clearTimeout(self.SoundStartDelayTimer); self.PrePlaySound(); var sound = document.getElementById('BDC_CaptchaSoundAudio_' + self.Id); sound.play(); }, self.SoundStartDelay ); } }, false ); } // enable controls & other after-play cleanup BotDetect.RegisterHandler( sound, 'ended', function() { if (self) { var sound = document.getElementById('BDC_CaptchaSoundAudio_' + self.Id); if (sound.duration == 1) { // Android 4.0.4 issue sound.play(); } else { self.SoundPlayingInProgess = false; self.EnableControls(); self = null; } } }, false ); } else { // xhtml embed + object this.SoundPlaceholder.innerHTML = ''; var self = this; this.SoundStartDelayTimer = setTimeout( function() { clearTimeout(self.SoundStartDelayTimer); self.PrePlaySound(); self.StartXhtmlSoundPlayback(); }, this.SoundStartDelay ); } this.SoundPlayed = true; }; BotDetect.prototype.StartXhtmlSoundPlayback = function() { var soundUrl = this.SoundUrl; soundUrl = BotDetect.UpdateTimestamp(soundUrl); soundUrl = BotDetect.DetectSsl(soundUrl); var objectSrc = "<object id='BDC_CaptchaSoundObject_" + this.Id + "' classid='clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95' height='0' width='0' style='width:0; height:0;'><param name='AutoStart' value='1' /><param name='Volume' value='0' /><param name='PlayCount' value='1' /><param name='FileName' value='" + soundUrl + "' /><embed id='BDC_CaptchaSoundEmbed' src='" + soundUrl + "' autoplay='true' hidden='true' volume='100' type='" + BotDetect.GetMimeType() + "' style='display:inline;' /></object>"; this.SoundPlaceholder.innerHTML = objectSrc; var self = this; this.SoundCooldownTimer = setTimeout( function() { if (self) { clearTimeout(self.SoundCooldownTimer); self.SoundPlayingInProgess = false; self.EnableControls(); self = null; } }, BotDetect.MinSoundCooldown ); }; // input element access BotDetect.prototype.GetInputElement = function() { return document.getElementById(this.InputId); }; // CAPTCHA Ajax validation BotDetect.prototype.StartAjaxValidation = function() { this.PreAjaxValidate(); if (BotDetect.AjaxError) { return; } var input = this.GetInputElement(); if (!input || !input.value || input.value.length < 0) { this.AjaxValidationFailed(); return; } this.StartValidationRequest(); }; BotDetect.prototype.StartValidationRequest = function() { var input = this.GetInputElement(); var url = this.ValidationUrl + '&i=' + input.value; var self = this; var callback = function(y) { clearTimeout(self.AjaxTimer); if (200 != y.status) { self.AjaxValidationError(); self = null; return; } var validationResult = false; var parsed = BotDetect.ParseJson(y.responseText); if (parsed) { validationResult = parsed; } self.EndValidationRequest(validationResult); self = null; } this.AjaxTimer = setTimeout(self.AjaxValidationError, BotDetect.AjaxTimeout); BotDetect.Get(url, callback); }; BotDetect.prototype.EndValidationRequest = function(result) { if (result) { this.AjaxValidationPassed(); } else { this.AjaxValidationFailed(); } }; BotDetect.ParseJson = function(jsonString) { var resultObj = null; if ("undefined" != typeof(JSON) && "function" == typeof(JSON.parse)) { resultObj = JSON.parse(jsonString); } if (!resultObj) { resultObj = eval('(' + jsonString + ')'); } return resultObj; }; // custom CAPTCHA events BotDetect.prototype.PostInit = function() { }; BotDetect.prototype.PreReloadImage = function() { this.ClearInput(); this.FocusInput(); }; BotDetect.prototype.PostReloadImage = function() { this.ValidationUrl = this.Image.src.replace('get=image', 'get=validation-result'); if (this.AutoReloadExpiredImage) { if (this.AutoReloadTimer) { clearTimeout(this.AutoReloadTimer); } var self = this; this.AutoReloadTimer = setTimeout( function() { clearTimeout(self.AutoReloadTimer); if (self.AutoReloadPeriodSum >= self.AutoReloadTimeout) { self.DisableControls(); self.SessionExpired = true; return; } self.AutoReloading = true; self.ReloadImage(); self.AutoReloading = false; self.AutoReloadPeriodSum += self.AutoReloadPeriod; self = null; }, self.AutoReloadPeriod ); } if (this.SoundIconSrc) { this.SoundPlaceholder.innerHTML = ''; this.SoundPlayed = false; if (this.SoundPlayDelayed) { this.PlaySound(); this.SoundPlayDelayed = false; } else { this.EnableControls(); } } else { this.EnableControls(); } }; BotDetect.prototype.PrePlaySound = function() { this.FocusInput(); }; BotDetect.prototype.OnHelpLinkClick = function() { }; BotDetect.prototype.PreAjaxValidate = function() { }; BotDetect.prototype.AjaxValidationFailed = function() { this.ReloadImage(); }; BotDetect.prototype.AjaxValidationPassed = function() { }; BotDetect.prototype.AjaxValidationError = function() { BotDetect.Xhr().abort(); BotDetect.AjaxError = true; }; BotDetect.RegisterCustomHandler = function(eventName, userHandler) { var oldHandler = BotDetect.prototype[eventName]; BotDetect.prototype[eventName] = function() { userHandler.call(this); oldHandler.call(this); } }; // input processing BotDetect.prototype.FocusInput = function() { var input = this.GetInputElement(); if (!this.AutoFocusInput || !input) return; if (this.AutoReloading) return; input.focus(); }; BotDetect.prototype.ClearInput = function() { var input = this.GetInputElement(); if (!this.AutoClearInput || !input) return; input.value = ''; }; // helpers BotDetect.UpdateTimestamp = function(url) { var i = url.indexOf('&d='); if (-1 !== i) { url = url.substring(0, i); } return url + '&d=' + BotDetect.GetTimestamp(); }; BotDetect.GetTimestamp = function() { var d = new Date(); var t = d.getTime() + (d.getTimezoneOffset() * BotDetect.MillisecondsInAMinute); return t; }; BotDetect.DetectSsl = function(url) { var i = url.indexOf('&e='); if(-1 !== i) { var len = url.length; url = url.substring(0, i) + url.substring(i+4, len); } if (document.location.protocol === "https:") { url = url + '&e=1'; } return url; }; BotDetect.GetMimeType = function() { var mimeType = "audio/x-wav"; return mimeType; }; BotDetect.UseHtml5Audio = function() { var html5SoundSupported = false; if (BotDetect.DetectAndroid() || BotDetect.DetectIOS()) { html5SoundSupported = true; // Android says it can't play audio even when it can; assuming iOS uses Html5 simplifies further browser checks } else { var browserCompatibilityCheck = document.createElement('audio'); html5SoundSupported = ( !!(browserCompatibilityCheck.canPlayType) && !!(browserCompatibilityCheck.canPlayType("audio/wav")) && !BotDetect.DetectIncompatibleAudio() // some browsers say they support the audio even when they have issues playing it ); } return html5SoundSupported; }; BotDetect.DetectIncompatibleAudio = function() { return BotDetect.DetectFirefox3() || BotDetect.DetectSafariSsl(); }; BotDetect.DetectAndroid = function() { var detected = false; if (navigator && navigator.userAgent) { var matches = navigator.userAgent.match(/Linux; U; Android/); if (matches) { detected = true; } } return detected; }; BotDetect.DetectIOS = function() { var detected = false; if (navigator && navigator.userAgent) { var matches = navigator.userAgent.match(/like Mac OS/); if (matches) { detected = true; } } return detected; }; BotDetect.DetectFirefox3 = function() { var detected = false; if (navigator && navigator.userAgent) { var matches = navigator.userAgent.match(/(Firefox)\/(3\.6\.[^;\+,\/\s]+)/); if (matches) { detected = true; } } return detected; }; BotDetect.DetectSafariSsl = function() { var detected = false; if (navigator && navigator.userAgent) { var matches = navigator.userAgent.match(/Safari/); if (matches) { matches = navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome/); if (!matches && document.location.protocol === "https:") { detected = true; } } } return detected; }; BotDetect.DetectAndroidBelow41 = function() { var detected = false; if (navigator && navigator.userAgent) { var i = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android"); if (i >= 0) { var v = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.slice(i+8)); if (v < 4.1) { detected = true; } } } return detected; } BotDetect.SoundReplaySupported = function() { return (BotDetect.UseHtml5Audio() && !BotDetect.DetectAndroidBelow41()); }; BotDetect.prototype.DisableControls = function() { this.ControlsDisabled = true; this.DisableReloadIcon(); this.DisableSoundIcon(); } BotDetect.prototype.EnableControls = function() { this.ControlsDisabled = false; this.EnableReloadIcon(); this.EnableSoundIcon(); } BotDetect.prototype.DisableReloadIcon = function() { if (this.ReloadIconSrc) { if (this.DisabledReloadIconSrc) { document.getElementById(this.Id + "_ReloadIcon").src = this.DisabledReloadIconSrc; } } }; BotDetect.prototype.EnableReloadIcon = function() { if (this.ReloadIconSrc) { if (this.DisabledReloadIconSrc) { document.getElementById(this.Id + "_ReloadIcon").src = this.ReloadIconSrc; } } }; BotDetect.prototype.DisableSoundIcon = function() { if (this.SoundIconSrc) { if (this.DisabledSoundIconSrc) { document.getElementById(this.Id + "_SoundIcon").src = this.DisabledSoundIconSrc; } } }; BotDetect.prototype.EnableSoundIcon = function() { if (this.SoundIconSrc) { if (this.DisabledSoundIconSrc) { document.getElementById(this.Id + "_SoundIcon").src = this.SoundIconSrc; } } }; // standard events & handlers BotDetect.RegisterHandler = function(target, eventType, functionRef, capture) { // special case if (eventType == "domready") { BotDetect.RegisterDomReadyHandler(functionRef); return; } // normal event registration if (typeof target.addEventListener != "undefined") { target.addEventListener(eventType, functionRef, capture); } else if (typeof target.attachEvent != "undefined") { var functionString = eventType + functionRef; target["e" + functionString] = functionRef; target[functionString] = function(event) { if (typeof event == "undefined") { event = window.event; } target["e" + functionString](event); }; target.attachEvent("on" + eventType, target[functionString]); } else { eventType = "on" + eventType; if (typeof target[eventType] == "function") { var oldListener = target[eventType]; target[eventType] = function() { oldListener(); return functionRef(); }; } else { target[eventType] = functionRef; } } }; // earlier than window.load, if possible BotDetect.RegisterDomReadyHandler = function(functionRef) { if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){ document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", arguments.callee, false); functionRef(); }, false ); return; } else if (document.attachEvent) { var called = false; document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function(){ if (document.readyState === "complete") { document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", arguments.callee); functionRef(); called = true; } } ); if (document.documentElement.doScroll && window == window.top) { (function() { if (called) return; try { document.documentElement.doScroll("left"); } catch (error) { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 1); return; } functionRef(); called = true; })(); } return; } else { BotDetect.RegisterHandler(window, 'load', functionRef, false); } }; // Ajax helper BotDetect.Xhr = function() { var x = null; try { x = new XMLHttpRequest(); return x; } catch (e) {} try { x = new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP.5.0'); return x; } catch (e) {} try { x = new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP.4.0'); return x; } catch (e) {} try { x = new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0'); return x; } catch (e) {} try { x = new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP'); return x; } catch (e) {} try { x = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); return x; } catch (e) {} return x; }; BotDetect.Get = function(url, callback) { BotDetect.AjaxError = false; var x = BotDetect.Xhr(); if (x && 0 == x.readyState) { x.onreadystatechange = function() { if(4 == x.readyState) { callback(x); } } x.open('GET', url, true); x.send(); } }; } // end single inclusion guard // required for ASP.NET Ajax compatibility if ( (typeof(Sys) != "undefined") && (typeof(Sys.Application) != "undefined") ) { Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded(); }